Mel Hilborn

Creative Photographer

As a passionate road tripper, I cherish the liberty of the open road and the excitement of the unknown that awaits. My curiosity is piqued by what lies beyond the unpaved path, the hill, or the mountain pass. I've set out in the rain, only to be greeted by glorious sunshine the next morning. Each journey enriches me, leaving me pondering my next destination.

I use photography as a form of creative expression, focusing on applying different techniques to uniquely create my images. I believe the natural landscape is the true work of “art” and my photographs are simply an impression of the natural beauty that surrounds us. Cheers!

“The true work of art is born from the “artist”: a mysterious, enigmatic, and mystical creation. It detaches itself from him, it acquires an autonomous life, becomes a personality, an independent subject, animated with a spiritual breath, the living subject of a real existence of being.”

— Wassily Kandinsky